DAVID RABADÀ i VIVES (Barcelona, 1967), paleontòleg i divulgador científic, es va doctorar en Ciències Geològiques l'any 1995 per la Universitat de Barcelona treballant en diferents projectes científics en el CSIC. Ha publicat multitud d'articles tècnics sent els últims molt crítics amb algunes interpretacions realitzades per l’equip d’Atapuerca. Ha rebut els premis Fundació Eduard Fontseré (1996), l'esment especial en l'UPC de Ciència-ficció (1999), l'Albert Pérez Bastardas (2003), el Premi de Natura Ciutat de Valls (1992 i 1995), el Ciutat de Viladecans de narrativa com finalista (2005) i del Premi Guillem Bellavista també com finalista (2021). Li han publicat els llibres Un Déu per als Ignorants (2000), Les Cinc Cares de la Terra (2005), Educar, educamos todos (2007), Quién fracasó con el Fracaso Escolar (2008), Cristo Mito al Desnudo (2015), COVID19, Crisi i Oportunitats (2020), Prejuicios y Evolución Humana (2020), Evolució a la Terra (2022), La Palma Bonita (2022) i La Mirada de Islandia (2023). Ha estat coordinador i autor en diferents obres com Ciències de la Terra i del Medi Ambient (2008), Històries (2006), Homenaje al Dr. José Gibert Clols (2016), i finalment del llibre La Educación Cancelada (2022). Actualment és professor de Ciències Geològiques, vicepresident de la Societat Internacional de Geologia i Mineria, acadèmic de l'ACVC i cap de premsa de Professors de Secundària.

dilluns, 5 de febrer del 2018

The facts for an independent Catalonia, not the opinions

There are five facts, not opinions, so that Catalonia justifies becoming a new state within the European Union. The first is the extreme corruption of the Spanish Government for many years and that Europe does not manage to solve it. In Catalonia there are cases of corruption but, according to international reports, they are infinitely remote from those of the Kingdom of Spain. In fact, Catalonia, and according to these studies, has a high level of transparency in its administrations, on the contrary the Spanish under the plots of favors and money between large companies and the party of the Government of Spain. This is an important reason for many new supporters of an independent Catalonia. The second cause for an independent Catalonia within the European Union is the economic downfall that the Spanish Government has imposed in Catalonia for a long time. Spain has invested millions and millions in trains, airports and other large public works outside of Catalonia. These investments have given little or no benefit at the state level while Catalonia continues to benefit the Kingdom of Spain. In fact, the fiscal balance of Catalonia has always been negative. In other words, Catalonia provides more money to Spain than this one gives them back. The third reason for independence is the past history where Spain has never helped too much in Catalonia. Moreover, the different Spanish governments have always tried, to a lesser degree, to make disappear Catalan language, institutions and culture. And finally, the last reason for an independent Catalonia lies in the different language and culture that the Catalans have with respect to the Spanish. There are links, but many have been imposed as the Castilian language, the Borbon Crown and the sentences of the Constitutional Court. While all this happens, and with the gaze on the other side of the European Union, the Spanish Government is growing more and more, leaving more democracy to impose what he believes, opinions, and not what is in front of it, the facts.

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