DAVID RABADÀ i VIVES (Barcelona, 1967), paleontòleg i divulgador científic, es va doctorar en Ciències Geològiques l'any 1995 per la Universitat de Barcelona treballant en diferents projectes científics en el CSIC. Ha publicat multitud d'articles tècnics sent els últims molt crítics amb algunes interpretacions realitzades per l’equip d’Atapuerca. Ha rebut els premis Fundació Eduard Fontseré (1996), l'esment especial en l'UPC de Ciència-ficció (1999), l'Albert Pérez Bastardas (2003), el Premi de Natura Ciutat de Valls (1992 i 1995), el Ciutat de Viladecans de narrativa com finalista (2005) i del Premi Guillem Bellavista també com finalista (2021). Li han publicat els llibres Un Déu per als Ignorants (2000), Les Cinc Cares de la Terra (2005), Educar, educamos todos (2007), Quién fracasó con el Fracaso Escolar (2008), Cristo Mito al Desnudo (2015), COVID19, Crisi i Oportunitats (2020), Prejuicios y Evolución Humana (2020), Evolució a la Terra (2022), La Palma Bonita (2022) i La Mirada de Islandia (2023). Ha estat coordinador i autor en diferents obres com Ciències de la Terra i del Medi Ambient (2008), Històries (2006), Homenaje al Dr. José Gibert Clols (2016), i finalment del llibre La Educación Cancelada (2022). Actualment és professor de Ciències Geològiques, vicepresident de la Societat Internacional de Geologia i Mineria, acadèmic de l'ACVC i cap de premsa de Professors de Secundària.

divendres, 2 de març del 2018

Spain without freedom

Spain seems to live under a pentagon of contradictions. First of all a Prime Minister sprinkled with corruption who wants to apply a gag rule to those who complain too much about it. Secondly, a media controlled, clearly or subtly, by different powers that claim to defend democracy and freedom of expression. Third, a government that seems to influence some courts to imprison pacifists accusing them of being tumultuous. In fourth place someone close to spanish goverment have leaked false documents to discredit other leaders in the opposition. And the fifth face of this pentagon is an untouchable monarchy that defends the constitutional powers before peaceful demonstrations. Considering all these facts, we can doubt what King Felipe VI has stated on several occasions in international media, that Spain has an advanced democracy. Well, according to this pentagon of facts, the freedom of expression of this democracy is limping too much. In fact there are great parallels between the Spain of 2018 and the United States of 1971. Watch Steven Spielberg's latest film, The Pentagon Papers, and you will realize that freedom of expression has always stung the powers that live under contradictions, corruption or lies. The difference was that in the US the media dared to spread the truth and the Nixon government had to resign shortly afterwards. Therefore the media were at the service of the governed and not of the rulers. In any case, and in Spain, many media does not break the silence and becomes an accomplice of this void in freedom of expression.

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